1 Day To Create Your Home Office Space
Today is going to be the day! Today you’ve decided to start building up your blogging career. You may not be ready to invest your full-time efforts into it – especially if you already have a full-time position –, but you want to set the wheels in motion for your side-hustle business. One day, you intend for your blogging activities to become your sole source of income, but for the time being, you’ll have to make do with blogging after your office hours.
As time is of the essence, you can’t afford to waste any longer on figuring out how to make your side-hustle work. The truth is if you get your home office done, you’re committing to working on your blog. Take a day off or use the weekend to build your blogging office:
#1. Buy the equipment you need
First of all, you can’t blog without ensuring you’ve got all the right tools for the job. At the least, you should have a reliable laptop to prepare your blog posts and publish them. It’s worth considering investing in a new device if yours is getting old. You might also want to add an external storage disk, as a backup solution. As your blog is not yet an established business, you can’t apply for commercial fundings. However, you can check lenders who specialise in small sums, such as Buddy Loans, which can let you get everything you need to equip your office. Aside from the basic furniture – a desk and a chair – you should also add a set of drawers to keep your research materials, invoices, legal documentation if necessary, and receipts.
#2. Define your brand in a few words
What is your blog going to be called? While this might sound like an innocent question, it’s, in reality, an important decision. Your blog’s name is going to be critical to your success. Pick something that people are likely to remember and spell correctly. GoDaddy has a few handy tips for choosing the perfect domain name, starting with the length. As a rule of the thumb, short names with simple keywords are preferred. For instance, if you’ve decided to blog about fashion, you can try to introduce the keyword fashion in the name. Your domain name will define your brand, so you have to be clear about how you want people to remember you.
#3. Find the perfect routine
Even as a side-hustle, your blog has the potential to become a profitable source of revenues. As such, it requires a work routine so that you can dedicate time to creating blog posts in your schedule. There is no secret here. The best way to make time for an activity is to create new habits around it. For instance, you need to find the time of the day when you’re the most receptive. For many, a caffeine kick is the best way to clear up your mind and get ready to write. So the question you want to ask yourself is whether you’re a morning blogger with a dark cup of coffee, or whether you’re an evening herbal tea gal and laptop. Defining your writing time and your habits – whether you like to drink a cuppa while writing or whether you need to listen to music to be creative – makes it easier for you to repeat day after day.
#4. Decorate your territory
Your home office needs to be decorated. It might sound like a waste of time at first, but the key is to create a space that works for you. You need not only to consider its utility and comfort, but you also have to think of the space in terms of beauty. Ultimately you want an organised and clutter-free space that keeps you motivated and inspired. Keeping it as attractive as you can with painted walls, frames and quirky decorative items will make a difference in the long term.
#5. Create your bubble of positivity
Last, but not least, as a blogger, you need to be comfortable putting your voice out there. Expressing what you believe in and who you are makes you a better blogger. But it also means that you put your personality out there for others to judge. Some will like what they see, others less. You will receive abusive and confrontational comments on social media. Embrace all the people who love what you do; you can always ignore the haters. But it helps to hang a few motivational and positive elements in your home office.
Take a day to create the perfect blogging office. From purchasing the equipment you need to creating a space you can write in, there is a lot for you to do to give life to your blogging dream. But it’s worth the effort!