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Live Like No one Is Watching!

Writer's picture: MumForceMumForce

Updated: Nov 16, 2019

“Live like no one is watching” what a saying, right? When I first heard it, it was like one of those light bulb moments. It seems so obvious, but I hadnt even thought about it.

When no one is watching us, we’re more free to be ourselves. We don’t worry about judgement. We can let loose. Be more authentic. Be 100% yourself. You can speak like no one is watching – speak your truth! Speak what is on your mind in its organic unstirred form. Let it pour out as sincerely as you can in as many ways as you can! Don’t distil yourself to the crowd, nope, let it fly in all it’s splendour. This applies to your written word too. I would say we live two separate lives where we are one person in private and another in public, hell now with social media its like we live 3. Our online presence!

I say screw that duplicitous absurdity! That’s why I say you should live like no one is watching – because the reality is WHO GIVES A *BLEEP* IF THEY ARE!!!

“Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.”

Nelson Mandela

When we see raw vulnerable frankness, it’s often attacked, chastised, and hated on in some way or another. 

That’s why many of us hide our eccentricities from the world. In fear of the judgements and whispers of others, we hide away and forced do these things in private for no one else to see or try and eradicate them completely.

It's time to say you can be exactly who you are. be your STRANGE self, the weirdo and be undeniably yourself in all areas of life. No matter, you can always BE incontrovertibly you.

Have you tried working like no one is watching? – when someone watches over us at work we become afraid of making mistakes, with the boss looking over our shoulder we become uptight and that's when we usually make mistakes. When I'm left to it, I can work for long periods of time, that’s when I can get my best work done, i'm productive - when I'm alone! The pressure isn't there.

Can have sex like no one is watching? –  I know so many people struggle with being self-conscious in the bedroom, afraid to let go and just be. So aware of themselves, vulnerable, and worried about, how they look while they perform. Afraid of the lumps, bumps, rolls and noises that sex brings, I say fuck like no one is watching! Get down, close your eyes and just be in the moment - your big O will thank me! Let it all loose. No judgement. You and your partner and if their is judgement, your with the wrong person!

“Live like no one is watching” what a saying, right? When I first heard it, it was like one of those light bulb moments.


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