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Milk, bread, toy? Should we have sex toys available in supermarkets?

Writer's picture: MumForceMumForce

Picture the scene,

Me – Gran, just popping put to Sainsbury’s, can I get you anything? Milk? Bread?

Gran – oh darling can you get me the pink, 7 speed vibrator? Me and your granddad got the one with only one speed and it’s just not doing it for us.

Me - ...

sainbury's sex toys
Granny and Granddad getting there 5 a day

Let me explain, Sainbury’s supermarket are bringing out a range of sex toys that will be available to buy in store, that you will be able to pick up during your weekly shop. I really don’t know how I feel about this, are supermarkets really the place we want to be picking up these items where it’s also where I buy nappies and coco pops?

For one thing, there is a reason these toys are placed in stores only the over the age of 18 can enter, too keep out of sight of little eyes where the talk of sex and all its wonders as children don’t need to know of such things. How would you explain what they are to curious children? The placement of sex aids should not force parents into premature discussions about sex with young children. Children who haven’t encountered these items before wouldn’t necessarily know about them, or what they’re for. There’s no point in needlessly confusing them, and for that reason it would be good to place them away so that children can’t see them. My daughter often “wants” things she has no idea what they are because they look pretty. I can just see her trying to put on in my trolley, oh the embarrassment.

Sainsbury's sex toys
Sainburys Range of Sex Toys

I am in no way a prude, I can talk sex. I am an adult and have been openly talking about sex with my friends since I found out what it was. We discuss sex toys, techniques and new experiences well because sex is normal isn’t it? It’s part of animal life and we are animals after all. We enjoy pleasure and are lucky enough in this day and age that we can go out and find our own ways of creating it and this includes sex toys.

The thing is though even though its completely normal there is also a sense of secret to it all, that it’s a private act that you share with your partner/self/whoever floats your boat, not shameful as such but something seen to be discreet. I mean we aren’t all doing it out in the open air are we, or if we are we are hoping we don’t get caught.

I understand what they are trying to do, they are trying to normalize it all but I just don’t think we are ready for that, especially in granny’s favourite supermarket. They claim they are helping improve their customer’s health and well being but I just can’t see people wanting to throw one in the trolley whilst doing the weekly shop, something that is normally done as a family or with young children in tow.

Food commercial director at Sainsbury’s Paul Mills-Hicks said of the collection: “We are always on the lookout for new opportunities to help our customers live well for less and they’ve told us that sexual wellbeing is an area they would like to see more choice in.

“Our Living Well Index clearly shows this is an important area for customers’ overall wellbeing.”

He added: “By introducing a new range at affordable prices, we hope to give customers the option to buy quickly and conveniently in an environment they feel comfortable with."


Sorry Paul I don’t feel comfortable about this at all. Just like some of the staff will feel if asked for advice on them, when you enter Ann Summers you know you are entering a sex shop, the staff are trained and are there to help you. Will Tam stacking be able to advise you on which one is best for you, I am sure when he applied for the job he didn’t think he would be talking sex toys with the customers.

I decided to ask some others about this decision and though the idea of them being in the supermarket many didn’t care but were concerned about younger children seeing them.

Actually the whole discussion was hilarious! All very tongue in cheek but the majority was they didn't want sex toys in a family supermarket.

Izzy Proudfoot – blogger “I’m not really for or against it. I think it’s great that they’re doing something controversial. I think more places and more people should stop tip toeing around sex, it’s how we all got here, we have kids so we have done it. People shouldn’t be embarrassed about that. It sets a bad example for our kids. Best to be open and allow these topics so your children can speak to you about anything.

Lauren Murfin – blogger “I don’t see any harm in it. I do think they should be high up though out of sight.

Claire Rowan, Edinburgh “I wouldn’t care but I wouldn’t want my 10 year old to see”

Aoibhe O’Shea, Edinbugh “No thanks. For goodness sake, It’s a family supermarket. I already have to guide my kids away from the Chat magazines and horror movies. (Profit at all costs for sainsbos!)

Kerry Johnston- Edinburgh "Shopping list : potatoes, bread, milk, crisps, dildos..."

So many are agreed that as adults we are open to the idea of sex toys being available to buy but worry about younger children seeing and questioning them when they don’t really have to know about such things just now. That maybe a family friendly shop isn’t the right environment for an area for sex toys and aides. If they were to be sold people have agreed they would have to be more discreet or out of sight of little eyes. Durex do have a small range of sex toys,that have been old in shops for years, that are in very discreet packaging which allows for a more strategic purchase, maybe smart packaging can help with the sale of these items and keep mums of children happy that the kiddy winks won't catch on.

What do you think? Would you buy your sex toys from the supermarket during your weekly shop?


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