My Hypnotherapy Journey - Week 3 &4
Time for another hypnotherapy update, this time I thought I would combine week 3 and 4 as the actual experience of going into trance seems to have been the same so far and I could just repost week 2 and it would fit.

Week 3 was the same, I hadn’t noticed any big changes as I hadn’t experienced anything that would make me notice they were, this is not to say I am not seeing any changes. My sleep has improved massively though.
I thought I slept pretty well before hand and that my mid-afternoon nap was just a sign of being a tired mum, but I think I was wrong. I am sleeping heavily every night and no longer feeling the low slump I did before where I would fall asleep on the couch come 1pm. I am listening to the soundtrack before I fall asleep each night and also have been using my weighted blanket and the quality of my sleep has been enhanced.
The hypnotherapy was going to be tested though as we were heading to Mull for the October break and one of my biggest phobias is driving a distance with the kids as I am so afraid of them getting car sick. I get so scared that I have stopped driving unless I absolutely have too. Well, the car journey was hell and Cora was sick. I was a mess…
I knew it was going to happen, the drive up to the island isn’t easy, with lots of winding roads and two ferry journeys. It wasn’t until we were only 20 minutes from the house that she was sick a little into her blanket. I couldn’t concentrate after that, I had packed plastic bags “just in case” and I handed her them and said if she needed to use them she could. She was calm and very blaise about the whole thing, while I was trying hard to not show my panic. She was sick in the bag, said “that’s better” and handed me the bag of vomit and went on like nothing had happened.
I was quiet, and shaky and my nerves so bad that I was starting to feel very unwell. I was trying so hard to keep it all together but if you ask my husband he would say the opposite.
It took me a while after we arrived at my parents to calm down, it felt like nothing had changed. We are still very early on in my hypno journey and I can’t expect miracles but arriving for my 4 week I felt deflated and unsure if I wanted to carry on, I will though but that’s just how I felt at that moment.
Its very typical of me to give up when I don’t see the results I want quickly, this goes with exercising and in the past counselling after having Cora. I lost interest because I wasn’t seeing massive changes, but George has been great at reassuring me that I am doing well and that this is completely normal.
Just like any therapy this isn’t going to change my life from the start, its about the small changes and rewiring the brain. Not an easy task at all.
I'm still positive about it all, my sleeping routine has shown that changes are happening, its just been a rubbish couple of weeks (school holiday stress) and its been a small blip in the road.
You can find all of George's detail below
07703 162072
