Playing, Painting, and Plenty of Problems: Coping with Parenting In A Rental Property
The one thing that we want in life is a suitable home in which to raise our children. But now living in so-called “Generation Rent,” so many parents have to make do with renting a place. And this can cause a lot of unseen pressures. And if you are one of these people, especially if you worry about the landlord raising the rent, or turfing you out soon, how can you cope with the pressures, but also, make the most of life in a rental property with your children?

Knowing Your Rights
When it comes to living under a landlord, literally or metaphorically, it's important that you know your rights. There could be disputes between landlords and tenants that can certainly take the shine off of living in any property. And while there are legal specialists like keoghs solicitors that can help, if you know your rights, especially if you worry about issues with paying rent, or if there's going to be another admin fee for signing for another year, knowing your rights can put a lot of these concerns to rest. The fact of the matter is that once you've signed a contract, it has to be honoured.
Negotiating The Best Prices
Saving money in a rental property can seem impossible, especially when trying to buy a house yourself. And while the typical broadband package can be expensive, when you live in a rental property, you are within your rights to find the cheapest suppliers of all your utilities. Look at your contract; it’s unlikely it will tell you that you can't get a new supplier. Usually, it will tell you that you can get a new supplier just as long as you ask the permission of the landlord. The fact of the matter is, paying utilities has nothing to do with the landlord. And while you don't need to pay for things like upgrading the boiler, this means that if you can get your expenses down in the meantime, this will save you a few headaches.
Making The Home A Place To Raise A Family
When we live in a rental property, we might feel that we cannot make the place our own. But when you have a family, and you want them to make the most of the place they are growing up in, you may feel that your child can't let loose. For example, if they, one day, decide to paint the walls a lovely swathe of every colour going, do you think this will come out of your bond? The great thing is that now, we have, as tenants, a lot more in the way of rights. Our bond cannot be taken away from us for a little thing. Again this is all about consulting your contract, but also, when it comes to renting a property, asking the landlord. Having written evidence in place usually makes life easier. A lot of the time, a landlord won't have an issue in repainting a room, especially if you've got a child that wants a nice bedroom. When you contact a letting agency, they can tend to deal with the landlord directly rather than you do it. But also, we have to remember that landlords are humans. They're not always unreasonable, but also, we do have rights.