The "Its my birthday" Mum
When this blog is posted I will have celebrated my 32nd birthday!
And like everyone says “I can’t believe it!” I remember my mum’s 32nd birthday as it was the birthday she was pregnant with my youngest sister. I thought she was well old!
Birthdays can be a massive thing, like my sister in law; she likes to celebrate her birthday pretty much all month and why not?!
Me though, I have never been that into my birthday. Even when I was little it just wasn’t a big deal, I normally got a cake that my granny had made and maybe one or two presents and I was more than happy with that. It’s still like that, the week creeping up to my birthday has gone by without thinking about it, pretty much and tonight I am meeting a friend for drinks. I know it will be a small non-eventful affair but great all the same.
I haven’t asked my husband for anything and I don’t expect any presents either. Some people may find this funny but to me they just aren’t a big deal. They are more an excuse for going out and letting my hair down and it hasn’t been let down for some time...
March is a birthday month in my family, I am not joking! CC, Cassi, my husband and I are all in March. This means we get it all out the way but it also means it’s been harder for my husband and I to even think about our birthdays. Aren’t birthdays really just for the children?
It seems like every one of CC’s friends is having a party and the bad mother that I am, I didn’t throw an official party for her. I invited some of my friends round, their kids and provided a cake and I called it a party. This is what my mum did for me and I think will always do for my children, I just can’t be bothered with it all. I don’t think I am the only one.
I have never felt my age so maybe that’s why I never celebrate it; it’s just a number after all. That number isn’t really that important unless you’re collecting your free bus pass or trying to have your first “legal” drink. People are living longer and looking younger so I really feel like acting your age doesn’t apply as much as it used to.
Even as my body gets older, my mind and spirit is still 17 and I forget sometimes that my aging body can’t handle the drink as much as I could when I was 17 and I WILL have a 3 day hang over! It’s a good job I don’t party like I did and that my birthday is only once a year as it may take me a whole year to recover from this one.
So happy Sunday to me...I mean happy birthday and to still feeling 17!
(I think I look better than I did at 17 anyway)