The Moving Mum
The boy is on the move!
He hasn’t quite got it but it’s coming.
He can now roll from one side of the room to another, bum shuffle in a circle and it starting to attempt to pull himself up.
Nothing is safe; I have quickly forgotten what it was like to have a toddler in the early stages of toddlerhood.
I will say it, I hate this part. The time between now and around 18 months is hell. You cannot have anything out that you do not want a toddler to touch, everything must be out of reach or it is a risk that might kill the baby. They also can’t communicate and become so frustrated, that you become frustrated, they cry, you cry and so on.
My TV will have forever have finger marks, my ornaments will be seen as more exciting than the massive amount of toys available and his sister will be forever in a grump due to her annoying little brother finally able to catch up with her.
Oh and the friends have warned me about the fighting. With Cassi able to move he will take her toys, pull her hair and generally annoy her, which will result in my name being screamed and/or war of the siblings breaking out...can’t wait.
My lazy boy is growing; he isn’t a baby baby any more. Sigh!
When cc was his age she was already walking, she was early to walk and move. She was and still is very active and likes to explore and get into things. My mum was looking after one day and CC was found playing with sand. The “sand” she was playing with was her granddads ashes...well that was a story to explain to my mother in law!! I am also pretty sure she got a taste of her poor old papa...
This is it though; you cannot even nip to the toilet anymore as your toddler who has been stuck to one spot has now discovered they can explore it all by themselves!
They love to run off in public, another source of anxiety. Don’t think play dates will be catch up with friends, it will now be running in all directions while trying to hold a conversation - always starting a story but never actually finishing one!
So I have made a list of things I have to do...or will try to
Put everything out of reach
No more cups of tea
No more eating junk in front of the child (he will pinch it)
do not stop moving
Hover over the kid at all time (this is to make sure he is safe)
Lock him in a playpen
Tie him down with bungee ropes
Never let the two children interact
Put all objects in the cupboard in the hall till it’s so full you cannot open it
Keep him a baby for as long as possible
Easy yes!
I am joking; of’s going to happen.
I am never going to have a clean home again unless I do just throw everything in the hall cupboard and just have my sofa left for aesthetics.
My wee boy is growing up...but just think of all the exercise am going to get running around after him.