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The Other Mum - Instagram Mum

We are back! This feature is becoming so super popular, I am just going to have to keep finding these fabulous mummies for you! So here's another...


This week we have Suzy aka @forever_a_mum, Suzy along with her husband (@daddy_dilemma) and two gorgeous girlies are helping break the taboo of mental health in men. Suzy is seriously upbeat and positive and her stories on Instagram will make you smile.

The Lady

Hello. My name is Suzy and I’m a part time physiotherapist and a full time mum to my gorgeous girls Lily (age 4) and Ivy (21 months) At home with us we have my wonderful hubby Gary, a dog, a cat and two’s a mad house. When I’m not working, I have the girls and we try and go on lots of adventures as I hate being stuck in the house all day! I’m pretty laid back and not a lot phases me, and I love hearing from and meeting new people so please get in touch xx

The Questions

Where are you from?Do you still live there, if not where are you now?

I’m originally from Dundee, then lived in Glasgow whilst studying at Uni and I now live in Dunfermline. We’ve been here for nearly 6 years now!

Before Kids, where would we have found you on a Saturday night?

On a Saturday night, you would probably have found me out for one (or 4) of those GIANT cocktails in TGIs. Or at home watching movies, eating magic stars and drinking gin...I still do this.

What is your average Saturday like now with kids?

Well tonight is Saturday...tonight I am going to get the kids to bed for 7, then run myself a lovely bath (I need one of those bath boards) Gary will get home around 8.30 and if I’m not already asleep, we will be having a carry out (Indian is my favourite) and I’m hoping to polish off the rest of my red wine that I opened yesterday. Sounds like an awesome Saturday to me!

What did you find hardest about having children?

I was the first of my friends to settle down and have children, and when it happened I lost touch with them a little. We had different priorities and so we couldn’t spend as much catching up. It was a bit lonely knowing what they were all getting up to, but it’s all good now! They are always there for me.

Tell us a time when becoming a parent blew your mind. What challenges have you faced?

Love. The never ending, bursting feeling of love you have for your children. I’m actually welling up think about when my youngest Ivy was born. I have this image in my head of Gary holding this tiny smooshed baby and just bursting into tears. The midwives came running over to see what was wrong and I just wailed “I’ve never been so happy”

One mega challenge that we faced was breastfeeding my second. Ivy’s latch was horrible and basically part of one of my nipples fell off-beautiful image huh? Anyway, we did overcome it and successfully exclusively breast fed for 7 months.

If you have a quiet childfree afternoon , where would you spend it?

Honestly, I would probably just sit in my living room, with a HOT cup of tea or coffee, and stick on a box set and zone out completely. However if I had a whole day, I would definitely catch up with some girlfriends, meet up for cake and coffee and actually have an adults conversation without hearing “mummy” 248 times every 10 minutes.

Favourite place for a cocktail with the girls?

Locally, I would either got to dine@29 or Fabric. They have the best cocktails in Dunfermline and an amazing buzz!

Where is your favourite place in the whole world and why?

I don’t think I have a favourite place, just anywhere that I’m happy and that I can make memories. I don’t really have one place that I’m drawn back to. Although I do have amazing memories of Mexico when we went for our honeymoon, we started drinking frozen daiquiris at about 10am...everyday!

What do you love most about being a parent blogger/vlogger?

I love the community I’ve built and the genuine friends that I’ve made. It’s lovely to know that i have a whole load of people who are there for me and happy to answer my random questions and share my parenting woes. I’ve made friends for life that I’ve met in real life and now our children will grow up together, that’s a really lovely thought.

Thanks Suzy! You and your husband are super stars!!!

Dont forget to find me @Mumforce


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