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The Other Mum -lets_stop_at_two_munchkins

Writer's picture: MumForceMumForce

Welcome back for another edition of The Other Mum!! I have actually met this lovely lady briefly and we are both members of The Book Club Social. Her two beautiful children are also brand reps for clothing company Freddie fox and co

Find Caz here on Instagram and her amazing blog

The Mum

Hey my name is Caz I’m a very much a juggling Mum. I am constantly trying to do everything and normally fail constantly. I have two wee munchkins a girl and boy. I spend my days chasing the army I created , normally from climbing stairs or from using a bed sheet as a parachute. I’m married to my teenage crush and we know exactly how to drive each other nuts which makes it perfect.


Where are you from? Do you still live there?if not where have you settled?

I was born in Edinburgh and only place I’ve ever called home. We moved around Edinburgh and ended up buying our forever home two streets from where I grew up. In the dictionary beside *home bird * you would see me.

What would be your revolution?

Il be honest I’m someone that floats by in life sad but true I’m quite happy Naively bobbing along in my own little bubble. But one revolution I hold on to is a campaign that I feel shouldn’t even have to exist in this day and age that is women being treated and paid the same as the opposite gender. Future generations of girls don’t have worry that because there the Xx chromosome that would affect how they are seen in any industry.

What did you do on an average Saturday night before kids?

I actually had to ask my husband because honestly couldn’t remember to begin with. We used to both work weekends so our Saturday was normally a week night drinking sesh. We used to spend our money on gigs , gigs and festivals where I my life began and ended in our eyes.

What is your Saturday like now?

Normally means a night in. Kids are hurried along to bed by 7, after a day of adventure. *also known as soft play* . It would be a cosy night sometimes we have dinner later than the kids but normally ends in a movie and lately some sort of Easter egg.

If you have alone time-where would you go?

Nowadays doesn’t come very often with two. Normally I have at least one of them. But I do love wee hour I get between nursery pick up and when the baby naps. I honestly sit on my bum watch tv that doesn’t have a Disney princess in it. Sit and blog. It’s my *me* time, where I can escape and be *Caz* rather than just *Mummy*

Where is your happy place?

Even though they drive me nuts sometimes. but Frasers room is my happy place. I spent so long painting it and getting it ready for his arrival. Nothing better than cranking up the music In his room and you will find Charlotte dancing away Fraser booping away. Just sitting in there makes me feel relaxed.

What thing do you not like to do?

Making dinner during witching hours it’s like tying to keep to grumpy dinosaurs occupied while try and rustle something up. You watch the clock hoping it will suddenly be that favourite time of day for Most parents by this point *bedtime*

If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

First I thought flying how it would be to be one Country then next you could make your way to the next sunny place. But that Mum brain showed its face.

I would love control time.... to be able to slow it down or speed it up the bits I wanted. With two children it always seem to slow down when it’s the witching hours or speed up when you suddenly need to be somewhere at a certain time . Would make my life a lot more relaxed if I could control it.


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