Tips to Help Fight the Winter Bugs
Updated: Sep 14, 2019
It’s getting to that time of year that makes me want to run and hide, flu and sickness season! AHHHHH!
If you are a loyal reader, you will know that I have health anxiety which started around this time last year. This was because this was CC’s first year in nursery and before when I had been able to protect her from bugs in the past, (as much as I could) I was unable to do that now she was mixing with others that I couldn’t control.
I needed new strategies now, and we all know how much I love being able to control situations, sadly sickness is not one. We can do all we can to prevent it but if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen.
I have been very lucky that other than a bad cold here and here, my children don’t get very sick. In fact it’s been nearly a year since CC has been poorly that she’s needed to stay at home and rest.
I am no expert but I thought I would share my tips and must have items for helping beat the bugs this winter.
Now nothing beats a balanced, healthy diet but if your child starts twitching at the mere mention of vegetables then we have to think about giving them a little boost. I discovered sambucol last year after much anxiety ridden searching on the tinternet for a cure all potion and this little bottle kept coming up, time and time again.
Samubol is an immune boosting liquid which is great for my children as they dislike sweets (my kids are strange) and I pop some in their morning juice and they don’t even notice. I do this as it’s quite sweet and both my children struggled to take a full dose. (Again what children don’t like sweet things?!?) Sambucol is a great tasting food supplement packed with black elderberries. Black elderberries contain naturally occurring flavonoids. Sambucol Immuno Forte also contains Vitamin C and Zinc, which are well known for their ability to support the immune system. Sambucol is made from black elderberries which have twice the natural antioxidant capacity of blueberries and more than 50% the overall antioxidant capability of cranberries. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system by helping neutralise the harmful effect of free radicals. The liquid can be given every day, which I do or used once child is already ill to help fight infection and lessen the time they are ill. The company have a wide range to choose from and please make sure you read the labels as it’s not suitable for children under one.
Early Bath
I bath my children every night; it’s an established routine that I have followed since my children were born. It started off as trying to get my children ready to sleep but as they are now older and understand bedtime, bath time is still an important part of the night routine.
Getting the children out of their day clothes/uniform and into a bath when they return home can help reduce the spread of bug, infection and bacteria circulating the home. If this is not possible, simply changing out of their clothes that they wore that day and washing hands and faces will be affective as well.
Antibac Hand Sanitizer
This one is pretty straight forward, have hand sanitizer in your handbag and have a hand sanitizer in your change bag. Not only are these handy when you find yourself caught out and unable to wash your hands but public places like bus rails, escalator rails and some many other places are crawling with bacteria I don’t even think I can mention. I am not suggesting you pull it on after touching everything but before eating, handling food, changing baby etc it’s a good idea to have it handy. Again this helps isolate any bugs that are going around.
Antibac Wipes
These can come in very handy in your change bags when you’re caught short and have to use the minging changing tables in toilets. Also for when you just need to go and the toilet is less than fabulous, wipes will save the day. They can come in travel sizes but not as common and please remember don’t flush these down the toilet for god sake!
Open the Windows
This may sound crazy in the cold weather but I swear by it, opening the windows creates a flow of air circulating the room aiding the removal of bacteria. Now I am not meaning when its minus whatever outside having the windows open all day but when you are having a wee clean up, open the windows for 5-10 minutes to give the room a good airing. I also recommend a walk in the fresh air daily if you can, it’s amazing what it can do for the health. If it’s cold outside remember to wrap up, especially your neck.
Flu Spray/Jab
IN Scotland children over the age of 2 are entitled to a free flu spray that will protect them over the winter from deadly flu. It is also available free to adults with underlying health conditions, pregnant women and anyone over the age of 65. Many may thing that they don’t need protecting from the flu virus and i believe many would be able to fight it without the vaccination but let’s thing of the people who wouldn’t be able to fight it. The vaccination not only protects yourself from the flu but if you don’t get it then you can’t pass it on to the vunerable people who if they caught if would be hospitalised or even die.
I have a friend who works in the IUC in one of Scotland’s biggest child departments and she tell me the horrors of children who have become gravely ill or even died when a simple spray could have prevented it.
Its two simple sprays up each nostril, not even an injection. It takes seconds and could save a life.
These are the basics that I follow daily to help protect myself and my family from bugs in winter time, infact I do this all year round but they are simple tasks and they really do mke a big different in insolating illness.
Below I have made a list of my must have items to survive the winter months.
· Sambucol - available online or at Boots from £6.99
· Antibacterial wipes – available from every supermarkets IN THE WORLD!!! I have a these as my good to wipes because they just smell so good! Be Gentle Wet Ones® Kills 99.9% of bacteria whilst being hypoallergenic for sensitive skin. These hand wipes are specially developed with aloe to be suitable for hands, face and body. Dermatologically tested and pH balanced, fragrance and paraben free. These are travel size and from Boots for 99p
· Hand Sanitizer – available in most shops too. I love this little one - Superdrug Fragrance Free Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser Gel, it comes with a handy clip so its easy to find in your bag when needed. From 99p
· Dettol All in One disinfectant spray -This amazingly versatile spray can be used on all hard surfaces (such as toilets, bins and sinks), soft surfaces (such as sofas and mattresses), and leaves a fresh fragrance in the air. It helps protect your family from illness by killing 99.9% of bacteria around the home, including E.coli and Salmonella as well as cold & flu viruses. Price from around £1.75
· Flu spray is free for all children in full time education under the age of 18, pregnant, health conditions like asthma or diabetes or over the age of 65. If you don’t fall into any of these please speak to your local health advisor who can point you in the right direction.
Illness is a part of life, even the healthiest of us get sick and we can’t stop it or protect ourselves or families from all some things but prevention is key.
I hope you find this useful and I would love to hear your tips and hints of fighting the winter bugs.
#winterhealth #childhealth #beatthewinterbugs #healthyliving #mummybloggeruk #scottishfamilyblog #parentingblog #lifestyleblogger #edinburghblogger
It’s the thing I swear by! Sometimes they just won’t get there vegetables and we need to give them a little hand.
Thanks for having a read 😘
Super helpful tips. I think we might start multivitamins too