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Our Bedtime Routine

I am no expect when it comes to getting your child to sleep, we had hell with my daughter for her first 2 years, she just wouldn’t...

Children and Imaginary Friends

Childhood is a stage that is distinct and abundantly filled with cognitive, emotional and physical changes. During this period in a human...

The Right to Die

Euthanasia has no special legal position in the UK. Instances described as euthanasia are treated as murder or manslaughter. However, the...

Wuka period pants - review

If i spoke to you about free bleeding while on your period, most of you would screw up your faces and tell me thats disgusting. If you...

Miscarriage Awareness Month

October is Miscarriage awareness month – this month allows the women who have felt they needed to be silent to talk about the grief a...

How sex education is changing

How did you learn about the birds and the bees? I was around 7 or 8 and my mum handed me a book and said “read this”. It was a cartoon...

Jennifer Baird Beauty - Review

Before I had children, I was all about the glamour! I was a beauty therapist who had access to all kinds of lotions, potions and...

The Fear of Socialising

I am not a bad person. I am a lot of things but I definitely don’t see myself as bad. The other day I received an email from a lovely...

Is how we give birth important?

I was watching lovely day time TV and a segment came up on This Morning and it stated –“are women being pressurised to give birth without...

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