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The MyHummy review

My daughter never slept more than 4 hours at a time till she was 2 and a half years old, I had forgotten what quality sleep felt like....

The Other Mum - Riona O'Connor

Hello friends! We are back with another Other Mum feature, its been a while for these but I have been so busy and these take so much time...

The Sentimental Mum

Hello readers, welcome back! It’s the last week before the summer holidays and the weather in Edinburgh is a very unusual 27 degrees and...

The Review Mum

On Sunday the 17th of June we were kindly invited by Mackay’s Jams to attend Paddington 2. This was at St Andrews Square for the open air...

The Dressed Mum

I love clothes and dressing up, I would not say I am trendy or stylish in the main stream kind of way but I know what I wear is more than...

The Dreamer Mum

Do you have a dream?...... Or is it now a case of “i had a dream”? As we get older do we lose our dreams and channel our attention...

The 'MoJo Injection' Mum

I attended my first blogger event last night and I was so nervous and excited. With social anxiety, going to new places is hard and going...

The Other Mum - Kelly Marie Blog

So sorry for the late post, this is my first ever late post but I have a good reason. My son, Cassius took a right tumble, he was crying,...

The "My Choice" Mum

With Ireland fighting for the right for women to have an abortion, it had got me thinking about my views and the right to my own body....

The Love Mum

Last week was a tough one, my mental health was all over the place but it passed and I feel more positive this week. I held my first...

The Mental Health Mum

Its Mental Health awareness week and as a blogger and a mum I have been overwhelmed with the amount of people getting out and sharing...

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