Empire Fighting Chance, Improving the Lives of Young People
Giving young people a fighting chance against mental health issues The UK is in the middle of a mental health epidemic amongst young...
Giving young people a fighting chance against mental health issues The UK is in the middle of a mental health epidemic amongst young...
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know I have health anxiety and the fear has been very real. I get intrusive thoughts...
As we all know I am an anxious mess! I find the whole social thing very overwhelming at times, sometimes I make my excuse and avoid the...
This week I was interviewed for BBC Scotland, we discussed the fears I have for my children's future with social media and the pressures...
Mental health days are promoted as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle in adults but what about our children? Do they deserve a day...
So I stopped taking my antidepressants...again! I was feeling great! I was the cheerleader for my own mental health and I thought I had...
Euthanasia has no special legal position in the UK. Instances described as euthanasia are treated as murder or manslaughter. However, the...
Well its official, another royal baby is on the way! That happened quick, didn’t it? It was only 5 months ago they tied the knot which...
Children 1st is a Scottish children’s charity which helps children and families who have suffered trauma. This could be anything from...
October is Miscarriage awareness month – this month allows the women who have felt they needed to be silent to talk about the grief a...
Taken from Tommy’s webpage- they are a charity that support couples through stillbirth, premature death and miscarriage. Details can be...
I am not a bad person. I am a lot of things but I definitely don’t see myself as bad. The other day I received an email from a lovely...
I have been all over the place lately and it’s really taken it out of me and I know why. It started after our trip to Mull, I had been...
I attended my first blogger event last night and I was so nervous and excited. With social anxiety, going to new places is hard and going...
With Ireland fighting for the right for women to have an abortion, it had got me thinking about my views and the right to my own body....
Last week was a tough one, my mental health was all over the place but it passed and I feel more positive this week. I held my first...
My gran was my best friend; I spent nearly every weekend and after school there. I even went for lunch most days so I could save my ...
After watching a great live Insta-story featuring OrganicallyEpic and Weeslice, it was a fab wee chat and we got to learn more about the...
My weekend was a party weekend. I had my annual Christmas in January with my old workmates, one of which is my best friend and don’t see...